Wednesday, May 21, 2008

And We're Off.....

Hey Girls,
I enjoyed last night so much!! I cannot wait until next week to hear what God has shown you through the week.

I hope that you get a chance to work through Day One sometime today. It is really good.

Last night I got to thinking about how awesome it is that God pursues us. When I get that feeling in my heart that I want to go and read my Bible... or when I long to see ya'll on Tuesday nights so that we can get into our Bible study... or when I feel a longing in my heart to know Him more.... It is really God pursuing me... not me pursuing God. After all I've done... after all I have said to others, after all I have thought in my mind, after all the times that I have turned away from His Way and gone my way.... He is still pursuing me. The same for you girls too. God is so faithful. He never changes. The Bible tells us that He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. That is comforting to know.

Let me know what you think after you work through day one. You can either post it in a comment (click comment below) or you can log in and write your own post. I will send you an email telling you how to author a post. It is easy.

Have a great Wednesday. I am praying for each one of you. Thanks so much for being such a blessing to me.